Friday, 1 August 2014

The 21st Century Health Nuts

What exactly does that mean? In and among all the millions of other bloggers exists this page, my page, and that my soon-to-be loyal reader is part of the problem...

So what is a health nut? Created through the increase in accessible information a health nut is typically (but not necessarily) relatively young and is obsessed with the prolonging of life through healthy habits, whether this include diet, exercise, mindfulness the health nut covers a wide range of people. Unfortunately, this revolution has taken place so unbelievably quickly that we health nuts are unguided and lost, a heard of unique sheep without a shepherd. Or to be more accurate hundreds of thousands of shepherd are shouting 'this way, this way!' are we any less lost?

The Shepherds are of course (in this metaphor) the masses and masses of information freely accessible through the internet. Access to information today is better than it has ever been, previously reserved for the elite, we (the new thinkers) are subject to vast amounts of information, some of it interesting, some not, some of it useful, some not, some it life change, some not and the list really does go on and on. 21st century health nuts (health nut's) are cursed by something that the world has never before experienced; abundance of information. So who the hell do we believe, follow, or trust? The answer has to be ourselves, especially when it comes to your health.

All this information access is far from bad, it is incredible! The progresses that have, are and are going to happen as a result of instant communication/publication/organization is beyond anything that could have been predicted a mere 100 years ago. However, we are left with a bit of a paradox. We must have more information to support our own healthy habits and yet, more information does not necessarily mean more truth. We are left with pages and pages of unsupported 'facts' telling us what to eat, what to do, when to do it and how much to do. As a result of this dramatic increase in information access we are being forced to evolve, our relatively archaic minds are being bombarded with information. It is time for the sheep to learn that the shepherd does not always have the sheeps best interest at heart.

This page will be dedicated to researching these potential truths/myths shoved on our screens daily. Does the most recent work out really cut your fat and produce muscle? is it healthy to eat pills containing 20+ fruit? and what about that cancer cure going about that is being pasted on social media and not the news, fact or the hopeful dreams of those in fear? happiness....can it be achieved through a how to book? And so I implore you to read this and decide for yourself whether or not this is worth your time. The research will be mine, the conclusions will be mine, the decision? Now that's all you my health nut.

Your very own health nut


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